
Lightning Pose provides several tools for training models:

  1. A set of high-level functions used for creating data loaders, models, trainers, etc. You can combine these to create your own custom training script. This is required if you used the pip package installation method.

  2. An example training script provided in the conda from source installation method. This demonstrates how to combine the high-level functions for model training and evaluation.


The steps below assume the conda from source installation method. If you did not use this installation method, see the example training script.

Train with example data

To train a model on the example dataset provided with the Lightning Pose package, run the following command from inside the lightning-pose directory (make sure you have activated your conda environment):

python scripts/

Note there are no arguments - this tells the script to default to the example data.

Train with your data

To train a model on your own dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your data is in the proper data format.

  2. Copy the file scripts/configs/config_default.yaml to another directory and rename it. You will then need to update the various fields to match your dataset (see The configuration file section). See other config files in scripts/configs/ for examples.

  3. Train your model from the terminal and overwrite the config path and config name with your newly created file:

    python scripts/ --config-path=<PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIGS/DIR> --config-name=<CONFIG_NAME.yaml>

You can find more information on the structure of the output model directory below.

Working with hydra

All of the scripts in the scripts directory rely on the hydra package to manage arguments in config files. You have two options: directly edit the config file, or override it from the command line.

  1. Edit the config file, and save it. Then run the script without arguments:

    python scripts/
  2. Override the argument from the command line; for example, if you want to use a maximum of 11 epochs instead of the default number (not recommended):

    python scripts/ training.max_epochs=11

    Or, for your own dataset,

    python scripts/ --config-path=<PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIGS/DIR> --config-name=<CONFIG_NAME.yaml> training.max_epochs=11

We also recommend trying out training with resizing to smaller images first; this allows for larger batch sizes/fewer Out Of Memory errors on the GPU:

python scripts/ --config-path=<PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIGS/DIR> --config-name=<CONFIG_NAME.yaml> data.image_resize_dims.height=256 data.image_resize_dims.width=256

See more documentation on the config file fields here. A couple of fields that are specific to the provided training script, but important to consider:

  • eval.predict_vids_after_training: if true, automatically run inference after training on all videos located in the directory given by eval.test_videos_directory; results are saved to eval.saved_vid_preds_dir

  • eval.save_vids_after_training: if true (as well as eval.predict_vids_after_training) the keypoints predicted during the inference step will be overlaid on the videos and saved with inference outputs to eval.saved_vid_preds_dir


The outputs of the training script, namely the model checkpoints and tensorboard logs, will be saved in the lightning-pose/outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS/tb_logs directory by default. (Note: this behavior can be changed by updating in the config file to an absolute path of your choosing.)

To view the logged losses with tensorboard in your browser, in the command line, run:

tensorboard --logdir outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/

where you use the date in which you ran the model. Click on the provided link in the terminal, which will look something like http://localhost:6006/. Note that if you save the model at a different directory, just use that directory after --logdir.

Model directory structure

If you train a model using our script lightning-pose/scripts/, a directory will be created with the following structure. The default is to save models in a directory called outputs inside the Lightning Pose directory; to change this, update the config fields and hydra.sweep.dir with absolute paths of your choosing.

  ├── tb_logs/
  ├── video_preds/
  │   └── labeled_videos/
  ├── config.yaml
  ├── predictions.csv
  ├── predictions_pca_multiview_error.csv
  ├── predictions_pca_singleview_error.csv
  └── predictions_pixel_error.csv
  • tb_logs/: model weights

  • video_preds/: predictions and metrics from videos. The config field eval.test_videos_directory points to a directory of videos; if eval.predict_vids_after_training is set to true, all videos in the indicated direcotry will be run through the model upon training completion and results stored here.

  • video_preds/labeled_videos/: labeled mp4s. The config field eval.test_videos_directory points to a directory of videos; if eval.save_vids_after_training is set to true, all videos in the indicated direcotry will be run through the model upon training completion and results stored here.

  • predictions.csv: predictions on labeled data. The right-most column records the train/val/test split that each example belongs to.

  • predictions_pixel_error.csv: Euclidean distance between the predictions in predictions.csv and the labeled keypoints (in <YOUR_LABELED_FRAMES>.csv) per keypoint and frame.

We also compute all unsupervised losses, where applicable, and store them (per keypoint and frame) in the following csvs:

  • predictions_pca_multiview_error.csv: pca multiview reprojection error between predictions and labeled keypoints

  • predictions_pca_singleview_error.csv: pca singleview reprojection error between predictions and labeled keypoints