Can I import a pose estimation project in another format?

We currently support conversion from DLC projects into Lightning Pose projects (if you would like support for another format, please open an issue). You can find more details in the Organizing your data section.

What video formats are supported by Lightning Pose?

Lightning Pose requires videos that use the h.264 codec. AVI files do not use the h.264 codec, but MP4 files typically do (though not always). The following function will check for the proper codec using ffmpeg:

import subprocess

def check_codec_format(input_file: str) -> bool:
    """Run FFprobe command to get video codec and pixel format."""

    ffmpeg_cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {input_file}'
    output_str = subprocess.run(ffmpeg_cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
    # stderr still has codec info
    output_str = output_str.stderr

    # search for correct codec (h264) and pixel format (yuv420p)
    if output_str.find('h264') != -1 and output_str.find('yuv420p') != -1:
        is_codec = True
        is_codec = False
    return is_codec

If your videos do not use the h.264 codec the following python code will convert them:

import os
import subprocess

def reencode_video(input_file: str, output_file: str) -> None:
    """Reencodes video into h.264 coded format using ffmpeg from a subprocess.

        input_file: abspath to existing video
        output_file: abspath to to new mp4 video using h.264 codec

    # check input file exists
    assert os.path.isfile(input_file), 'input video does not exist.'
    # check directory for saving outputs exists
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True)
    # create ffmpeg command
    ffmpeg_cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {input_file} -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy -y {output_file}'
    # run command
    subprocess.run(ffmpeg_cmd, shell=True)

Note that you can also run the ffmpeg command directly from the command line.

What if I encounter a CUDA out of memory error?

We recommend a GPU with at least 8GB of memory. Note that both semi-supervised and context models will increase memory usage (with semi-supervised context models needing the most memory). If you encounter this error, reduce batch sizes during training or inference. You can find the relevant parameters to adjust in The configuration file section.

Why does the network produce high confidence values for keypoints even when they are occluded?

Generally, when a keypoint is briefly occluded and its location can be resolved by the network, we are fine with high confidence values (this will happen, for example, when using temporal context frames). However, there may be scenarios where the goal is to explicitly track whether a keypoint is visible or hidden using confidence values (e.g., quantifying whether a tongue is in or out of the mouth). In this case, if the confidence values are too high during occlusions, try the suggestions below.

First, note that including a keypoint in the unsupervised losses - especially the PCA losses - will generally increase confidence values even during occlusions (by design). If a low confidence value is desired during occlusions, ensure the keypoint in question is not included in those losses.

If this does not fix the issue, another option is to set the following field in the config file: training.uniform_heatmaps_for_nan_keypoints: true. [This field is not visible in the default config but can be added.] This option will force the model to output a uniform heatmap for any keypoint that does not have a ground truth label in the training data. The model will therefore not try to guess where the occluded keypoint is located. This approach requires a set of training frames that include both visible and occluded examples of the keypoint in question.