Add a loss

The Lightning Pose package is organized to cleanly separate losses from other apsects of the code - model building, data loading, training, etc. In order to add a new loss all you need to implement is a new loss class in the file lightning_pose/losses/ We will first detail the base loss class, and then demonstrate how to add a new loss using the temporal loss as an example.

The Loss class

The Loss class contains the blueprint for all losses (i.e. any loss you would like to implement will inherit from this class). We will go through the relevant methods here at a high level, then discuss their implementation in the next section.

All Lightning Pose models have a method called get_loss_inputs_labeled which pushes a batch of labeled data through the network and returns a data dictionary which can contain, for example, the ground truth and predicted (x, y) coordinates, ground truth and predicted heatmaps, etc. Semi-supervised models also have a method called get_loss_inputs_unlabeled that will return its own data dictionary of model outputs on unlabeled video. These dictionaries are then passed to a LossFactory object, which loops over all selected losses and, for each loss, uses the labeled or unlabeled data dictionary as input to the loss’s __call__ method. The __call__ method also takes a “stage” argument that will be externally set as “train”, “val”, or “test”, and is used for proper logging of the loss.

Each new loss must implement its own __call__ method, and this should follow a standard recipe using some or all of the methods below.

  1. remove_nans() (supervised only): find NaNs in the labeled data which correspond to occluded keypoints with no labels, and drop these data from the batch.

  2. compute_loss(): actual loss computation on keypoints, heatmaps, features, etc.

  3. rectify_epsilon(): loss values below a given epsilon are set to zero

  4. reduce_loss(): take sum or mean over various dimensions of batch

  5. log_loss(): record the loss value and given stage (train/val/test) for this batch

  6. return weighted scalar loss and log dictionary to loss factory

The LossFactory will add the weighted scalar loss to the overall loss and log the results.

Implementing a new loss

To implement a new loss you will need to subclass the Loss class; the most important methods to modify are __call__, __init__, and of course your own implementation of compute_loss().

The __call__ method

Because the models return their outputs via dictionaries that are shared across losses, each new loss must use the same data argument names (note any given loss may only use a subset of these):

  • keypoints_targ: shape (batch, 2 * num_keypoints)

  • keypoints_pred: shape (batch, 2 * num_keypoints); predicted (x, y) coordinates in the original image space; PCA losses need to act on these predictions, rather than the augmented predictions which alter the correlations between body parts and views

  • keypoints_pred_augmented: shape (batch, 2 * num_keypoints); this contains predicted (x, y) coordinates that still contain geometric data augmentations (scaling, rotation, etc.); note that these match heatmaps_pred and heatmaps_targ, which also still contain data augmentations

  • heatmaps_targ: shape (batch, num_keypoints, heatmap_height, heatmap_width)

  • heatmaps_pred: shape (batch, num_keypoints, heatmap_height, heatmap_width)

  • confidences: shape (batch, num_keypoints)

  • stage: this will be passed to log_loss()

  • kwargs: it is important to include this as it will take care of any entries in the data dictionary that are not directly used in the given loss

If we look at the __call__ method of the TemporalLoss class, we see that it takes as data arguments keypoints_pred and confidences.

def __call__(
    keypoints_pred: TensorType["batch", "two_x_num_keypoints"],
    confidences: TensorType["batch", "num_keypoints"] = None,
    stage: Optional[Literal["train", "val", "test"]] = None,
) -> Tuple[TensorType[()], List[dict]]:

    elementwise_loss = self.compute_loss(predictions=keypoints_pred)
    # do remove nans with loss to remove temporal difference values
    clean_loss = (
        self.remove_nans(loss=elementwise_loss, confidences=confidences)
        if confidences is not None
        else elementwise_loss
    epsilon_insensitive_loss = self.rectify_epsilon(loss=clean_loss)
    scalar_loss = self.reduce_loss(epsilon_insensitive_loss, method="mean")
    logs = self.log_loss(loss=scalar_loss, stage=stage)
    return self.weight * scalar_loss, logs

We now walk through the steps outlined above for this specific example.

  1. Because this loss is not computed on labeled data we skip step 1 above (nan removal).

  2. We first compute the loss by calling self.compute_loss() and pass in the keypoints. Inspection of TemporalLoss.compute_loss() shows that this is where the temporal norm between successive timepoints is computed. These element-wise norms are returned to the __call__ function. Next, we perform this loss’s version of remove_nans: if a string of predictions has low confidence, it may be because the keypoint in question is occluded or out of the frame. We do not want to penalize these low-confidence predictions, and therefore set the loss at these timepoints to zero.

  3. Next, we send the loss (still stored on a frame-by-frame and keypoint-by-keypoint basis) to the rectify_epsilon method. Because each keypoint will move from one frame to the next under natural movement, we may want to only penalize temporal norms above a given threshold (i.e. epsilon).

  4. Once rectification has occurred (if desired), the loss is finally sent to the reduce_loss method which will take the mean or sum over frames and keypoints.

  5. The resulting scalar loss and “stage” argument are sent to the log_loss() method for proper recording.

  6. Finally, we return the weighted loss and the logs. Note that the loss factory will automatically record the weighted loss as well, so that you will have access to both quantities in Tensorboard.

The __init__ method

Now that we’ve seen the meat of the loss, let’s look into the __init__ method.

def __init__(
    data_module: Optional[Union[BaseDataModule, UnlabeledDataModule]] = None,
    epsilon: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0,
    prob_threshold: float = 0.0,
    log_weight: float = 0.0,
) -> None:
    super().__init__(data_module=data_module, epsilon=epsilon, log_weight=log_weight)
    self.loss_name = "temporal"
    self.prob_threshold = torch.tensor(prob_threshold, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device)

The arguements here should mirror those of the base Loss class:

  • data_module: optional, and unused by many losses; for an example use-case, see the PCA losses

  • epsilon: for rectification; can be set to zero for no rectification

  • prob_threshold: specific to this loss

  • log_weight: hyperparameter that controls the weight of the loss in the final cost function

In the TemporalLoss constructor, we see three simple actions.

  1. calling the __init__ function of the parent class

  2. defining the loss name as a string (this is used for logging)

  3. setting the probability threshold that is used when we call remove_nans

If your loss requires its own set of parameters - for example, the PCA losses contain the PCA eigenvectors - these need to be defined in the loss’s __init__ function.

Integrating a new loss into the Lightning Pose pipeline

Once you’ve implemented a new loss, the next step is to integrate it into the larger repo so that users can select it for training.


The current models only return keypoints and, if applicable, heatmaps and confidences. If you wish to construct a loss that acts on other representations created by the model, you will need to update the get_loss_inputs_labeled and get_loss_inputs_unlabeled methods in the various models so that they include these data in their return dicts (and hence expose these quantities to the loss classes).

Step 1: update the config file

The default configuration file at lightning_pose/scripts/configs/config_default.yaml enumerates all possible hyperparameters needed for building and training a model. In particular, there is a field called losses under which you can add your new loss and its associated hyperparameters. For example, the temporal loss function entry looks like this:

    # weight in front of temporal loss
    log_weight: 5.0
    # for epsilon insensitive rectification (in pixels; diffs below this are not penalized)
    epsilon: 20.0
    # nan removal value (in prob; heatmaps with max prob values are removed)
    prob_threshold: 0.05

Some notes:

  • the loss name in the config file (temporal here) should match the self.loss_name string defined in your loss’s __init__ method

  • log_weight is a standard field used by all losses

  • epsilon is a standard field used by all losses; can be zero

  • any other field under your loss name will be passed to your loss’s __init__ function as a key-value pair

Step 2: update get_loss_classes

The first helper function you need to update is get_loss_classes(), which creates a mapping from the loss name to the loss class. Add your new loss to the dictionary.

Step 3: update get_loss_factories

The next helper function you may need to update is get_loss_factories(), which creates the supervised and unsupervised loss factories from the config file. If your loss requires parameters from other parts of the config file (such as image dimensions from the data field) you can add those key-value pairs to the constructor input in the if/elif block (see other examples in that function).

Step 4: update compute_metrics (optional)

The base training script scripts/ will automatically compute a set of metrics on all labeled data and unlabeled videos upon training completion. To add your new metric to this operation, you must update compute_metrics(). In that fucntion you will see how other metrics such as pixel error, temporal norm, and pca reprojection errors are included. This may require you to adapt your loss and include it in the lightning_pose.metrics module.


Not only is this good coding practice, it makes debugging your loss easier! Make a new function in the file tests/losses/ that follows the same pattern as the other functions there. Let’s take the temporal loss as an example again; once you write the test you can run it from the command line like so:

pytest tests/losses/

Make sure to include as many corner-cases as possible in your test suite.

And that’s it!